7 Common Causes Of Male Infertility A Brief Look

Being parents is one of the best experiences individuals can enjoy, and one cannot help but wish to build a family. This dream is met with the heartbreaking reality of infertility in one in eight couples. While infertility can affect both partners, male infertility plays a significant role, contributing to 40-50% of cases in India alone.


In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at the common causes of male infertility, helping you to understand what affects your ability for conception. Be it an issue with sperm production, lifestyle habits or anything else, we will help you understand what it takes to endure this long and challenging journey.

Struggling with infertility? Consult our experts today and take the first step toward parenthood!

A] What is Male Infertility


Male infertility is often referred to as male factor infertility and is described as issues with sperm production or quality that are required for conception. Male infertility accounts for almost fifty per cent of cases where couples are unable to bear children. By understanding male infertility more comprehensively, it is possible to develop precise, effective management, which would improve the rates of conception.


B] Causes of Male Infertility


1. Sperm Disorders


Sperm abnormalities are one of the most common causes of infertility in males. Such abnormalities include, but are not limited to, the following:


  • Low Sperm Count (Oligospermia): This refers to the condition in which the number of sperm is less than normal levels. This, in turn, decreases the possibility of fertilising an ovum.
  • Poor Sperm Mobility (Asthenozoospermia): The sperm has difficulty swimming and struggles to reach and fertilise the egg. 
  • Abnormal Sperm Shape (Teratozoospermia): These are sperms with unusual shapes that may make them unable to reach an ovum and fertilise it.

If you are facing sperm abnormalities and are looking for male infertility treatment in Mumbai, contact Dr. Hrishikesh Pai, who helps create a personalised treatment plan to start your own family. 


2. Hormonal Imbalances


Various hormones regulate sperm production, and therefore, an imbalance can lead to male factor infertility. Abnormal production of testosterone and other hormones, such as luteinising hormones (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormones (FSH), can affect the sperm production process, making it a significant cause of male infertility. These hormonal imbalances may be caused due to pituitary disorders or lifestyle factors that affect hormonal levels. 


3. Testicular Conditions


Several physical issues within the testes can be one of the common reasons for male infertility:


  • Varicocele: Swollen veins in the scrotum may cause constriction of blood flow, increasing the temperature and leading to low sperm quality.
  • Cryptorchidism: Also known as undescended testicles, is a condition where one or both testicles fail to move into the scrotum, resulting in an inability to produce viable sperm.
  • Injuries and Infections: Infections, trauma or damage to the area around the testicles, especially sexually transmitted diseases, can affect the sperm or its production.

4. Genetic Factors


Hereditary conditions are yet another cause of male sterility. Some men might, for instance, have structural changes in the chromosomes that affect the production of sperm, which include:


  • Klinefelter Syndrome: A situation whereby men are born with an additional X (XXY), which leads to low levels of testosterone and an inability to bear children. Klinefelter’s syndrome is the most common chromosome anomaly in infertile men. 
  • Y Chromosome Microdeletions: A small portion of the y chromosome is erased, which leads to problems with sperm production. Y chromosome microdeletions are found mostly in men with azoospermia or severe oligozoospermia.

5. Lifestyle Choices


Everyday lifestyle choices also contribute to male infertility:


  • Cigarettes and Alcohol: These are popular and well-acknowledged causes of infertility in males, producing low-quality sperm in low volume.
  • Drug Use: Some recreational drugs, such as cannabis and cocaine, can impair sperm’s functioning.
  • Overweight and Unhealthy Eating: Eating habits and excessive body fat tend to lower testosterone levels as well as sperm quality.

6. Environmental and Occupational Factors


Daily exposure to certain environmental factors and occupational risks has been shown to directly impact male fertility. Some environmental chemicals such as pesticides, industrial wastes, and radiation have been associated with adverse effects on sperm quantity and quality. Likewise, occupations that entail working under or being exposed to excessive temperatures, for instance, in some manufacturing companies or frequent sauna use, have been found to have adverse effects on sperm suspension and motility.


7. Medical Conditions and Treatments


Underlying health conditions and specific medical treatments can also be a cause of male infertility:


  • Chronic Illnesses: Diabetes, infections, and other chronic illnesses characterised by prolonged durations in the human body affect the functioning of sperm as well as reproductive health. 
  • Certain Treatments: Chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and other radical management therapies expose patients to drugs that compromise the quality and quantity of sperm. It is important to find fertility preservation options, allowing you to secure your fertility before treatment begins and offering hope for conception in future.

C] When to Seek Help?


If a couple has been attempting to get pregnant for over a year with no success, then medical attention should be pursued. It is vital to get checked, and in case of infertility, the right course of action can be planned. A fertility specialist will evaluate your reproductive capacity and then provide a treatment plan that is beneficial for you, increasing your possibility of getting pregnant.


Dr. Hrishikesh Pai is an IVF doctor in Mumbai who offers treatments for male and female infertility, among other services and provides comprehensive care tailored to each patient’s unique needs.

Struggling with infertility? Consult our experts today and take the first step toward parenthood!



Understanding what makes a man infertile allows couples to take better action towards the treatment. Whether caused by lifestyle or environmental factors, or medical conditions, there are various causes of male sterility. Addressing these factors and seeking medical attention can help open doors to effective treatment options. 

Dr. Hrihiskesh Pai, a pioneer in reproductive health with extensive experience and expertise, provides personalised care and innovative solutions to help couples achieve their dream of parenthood. Contact us to take a step forward towards becoming parents!

Dr Hrishikeshpai Profile

Dr. Hrishikesh Pai

Dr. Hrishikesh Pai is one of India's leading fertility specialists, with over 40 years of expertise in reproductive medicine and the Founder of Bloom IVF Group. He plays an important role in advancements in fertility care, establishing 11 world-class IVF centres across the country. Dr. Pai received numerous awards and is an Honorary Professor at D.Y. Patil University, Navi Mumbai. He is well known for his compassionate approach and continues transforming lives by fulfilling people's dreams of becoming parents.

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